API Description
Service API
API token {TOKEN}
Response format JSON
Add Service

POST https://busel.biz/api/orders/service/add

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token
title Service title
description (optional) Service description
category Category ID:
1 - Instagram Likes
2 - Instagram Followers
3 - Instagram Comments
4 - Instagram Story Views
price Price (Rate/1000)
min Min
max Max
reset_interval Reset interval (minutes)
cancel_interval Cancel interval (minutes)
same_order_process_type (optional) Processing the same orders: 1 - Accept always, 2 - Accept in turns, 3 - Not accept (default 1)

Example response:

    "result": {
        "status": "success",
        "service_id": 123
Change Service

POST https://busel.biz/api/orders/service/change/{ID}

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token
{ID} Service ID
min (optional) Min
max (optional) Max
newprice (optional) New price
newprice_delay (optional) New price delay
is_active_web (optional) Accept orders through the web site (0|1)
is_active_api (optional) Accept orders through API (0|1)
is_active_auto (optional) is_active_auto (0|1)
limit_all_count (optional) Max total for the same order
limit_period_count (optional) Max per interval for the same order
limit_period_interval (optional) Interval (minutes)

Example response:

    "result": {
        "status": "success",
Sell API
API token {TOKEN}
Response format JSON
Proceed to the task

GET https://busel.biz/api/orders/tasks/service/{ID}?api_token={TOKEN}&count={COUNT}

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token
{ID} Service ID
count (optional) Orders quantity (default - 1)
order (optional) oldest (issue orders in turn last update)
label_id (optional) Label, software or server identifier, number from 0 to 65000 (default - 0)
account_id (optional) Job Account ID
dev_id (optional) Developer account number. Affiliate reward 1% of the order.

Example response:

	"data": [{
			"id": 1,
			"url": "https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/p\/165R8ccRdjO2\/",
			"item_id": "2218002080543782144_182303872",
			"shortcode": "2cRdg5342djO2",
			"count": 100,
            "start_count": 30
			"id": 2,
			"url": "https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/p\/2cRdg5342djO2\/",
			"item_id": "2218002080543262144_189078451",
			"shortcode": "2cRdg5342djO2",
			"count": 100,
            "start_count": 0
Job Notification

GET https://busel.biz/api/orders/tasks/check/{ID}?api_token={TOKEN}&count={COUNT}&cancel={1|0}

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token
{ID} Order ID
count (optional) The number of twisted likes (by default - 1), 0 - returns the order to the queue
cancel (optional) Refusal to complete the task (default - 0)
label_id (optional) Label, number 0 - 65000 (default - 0)

Example response:

	"Success": true
Job Notification (batch)

POST https://busel.biz/api/orders/tasks/check-batch?api_token={TOKEN}

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token

POST body JSON example (*max 500 items per batch):

        "order_id": 945631,
        "count": 31,
        "cancel": 0,
        "label_id": 0
        "order_id": 945630,
        "count": 30,
        "cancel": 1,
        "label_id": 1

Example response:

    "945631": "ok",
    "945630": {
        "error": "Error message"
Done likes number notification

GET https://busel.biz/api/orders/tasks/update-count/{ID}?api_token={TOKEN}&count={COUNT}&reset={1|0}

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token
{ID} Order ID
count Number of likes
reset (optional) By default - 0, the amount is summed. Set reset = 1 to reset the qty in count
label_id (optional) Label, number 0 - 65000 (default - 0)

Example response:

	"Success": true
Done likes number notification (batch update)

POST https://busel.biz/api/orders/tasks/update-count-batch?api_token={TOKEN}

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token

POST body JSON example (*max 500 items per batch):

        "order_id": 145631,
        "count": 11,
        "reset": 1,
        "label_id": 0
        "order_id": 145630,
        "count": 63,
        "reset": 0,
        "label_id": 1

Example response:

    "145631": "ok",
    "145630": {
        "error": "Error message"
Refusal to complete the task

GET https://busel.biz/api/orders/tasks/cancel/{ID}?api_token={TOKEN}

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token
{ID} Order ID
label_id (optional) Label, number 0 - 65000 (default - 0)

Example response:

	"Success": true
Refusal to complete the task (batch)

GET https://busel.biz/api/orders/tasks/cancel-batch?api_token={TOKEN}

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token

POST body JSON example (*max 500 items per batch):

        "order_id": 145631,
        "label_id": 0
        "order_id": 145630,
        "label_id": 1

Example response:

    "145631": "ok",
    "145630": {
        "error": "Error message"
Request to delete a check

GET https://busel.biz/api/orders/tasks/cancel-check/{ID}?api_token={TOKEN}

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token
{ID} Order ID
label_id (optional) Label, number 0 - 65000 (default - 0)

Example response:

	"Success": true
Reset order

GET https://busel.biz/api/orders/tasks/reset/{ID}?api_token={TOKEN}

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token
{ID} Order ID
label_id (optional) Label, number 0 - 65000 (default - 0)

Example response:

	"Success": true
Reset all orders

GET https://busel.biz/api/orders/tasks/reset-all?api_token={TOKEN}&timelimit={SECONDS}

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token
timelimit Number of seconds since the last order update (default - 0)

Example response:

	"Success": true
Get in progress orders for service

GET https://busel.biz/api/orders/tasks/inp/service/{ID}?api_token={TOKEN}&canceled={0|1}

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token
{ID} Service ID
canceled (optional) Canceled (default - 0)
Cancel statuses: Invalid link - 1, Canceled by customer - 2, Canceled by service - 3, Canceled by timeout - 4 , Service not accept same orders - 5, Maximum count for link reached - 6, Canceled by service (allowed loss) - 7, Canceled by service (maximum count for link in interval reached) - 8

Example response:

  "data": [
      "id": 4,
      "url": "https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/p\/B771_ObHFm_\/",
      "item_id": "2215164033015508995_189003272",
      "shortcode": "B771_ObHFm_",
      "order_count": 100,
      "done_count": 10,
      "count": 90,
      "status": "in_progress",
      "label_id": 0,
      "is_canceled": 0,
      "created_at": "2020-01-09 10:18:13",
      "updated_at": "2020-01-09 10:25:78"
      "id": 5,
      "url": "https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/udjngt854/",
      "item_id": "2214464033015508995_133003272",
      "shortcode": "udjngt854",
      "order_count": 1500,
      "done_count": 500,
      "count": 1000,
      "status": "in_progress",
      "label_id": 150,
      "is_canceled": 0,
      "created_at": "2020-01-09 11:52:15",
      "updated_at": "2020-01-09 12:22:10"
Get order info

GET https://busel.biz/api/orders/tasks/info/{ID}?api_token={TOKEN}

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token
{ID} Order ID
Причина отмены 0 — Не отменен.
1 — Неверная ссылка.
2 — Отменено заказчиком.
3 — Отменено владельцем сервиса.
4 — Отменено по тайм-ауту.
5 — Сервис не принимает одинаковые заказы.
6 — Достигнут лимит выполнений для ссылки.
7 — Отменено сервисом (допустимая потеря).
8 — Отменено сервисом (достиннул лимит выполнений на ссылку за итнервал).
9 — Аккаунт без публикаций.
10 — Аккаунт без аватара.
11 — Закрытый аккаунт.
12 — Неизвестная ошибка.
13 — Неправильный URL.
14 — Комментарии недоступны.
15 — Отменено по тайм-ауту.
16 — Публикация не является видео.
17 — Сервис принимает видео, но не IGTV.
18 — Ограниченное видео.
19 — Неправильный подсчет агрегатора.
20 — Агрегатор временно недоступен.
21 — Отменено сервисом.
22 — Комментарий не найден.

Example response:

      "id": 4,
      "url": "https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/p\/B771_ObHFm_\/",
      "item_id": "2215164033015508995_189003272",
      "shortcode": "B771_ObHFm_",
      "order_count": 100,
      "done_count": 0,
      "count": 95,
      "status": "in_progress",
      "label_id": 15,
      "is_canceled": 0,
      "created_at": "2020-01-09 10:15:11",
      "updated_at": "2020-01-09 10:18:13"
Order API
API URL https://api.busel.biz/api/v2
API token {TOKEN}
Response format JSON
Service list


Parameters Description
key Your API token
action services
category (optional) Filter services by category:
1 - Instagram Likes
2 - Instagram Followers
3 - Instagram Comments
4 - Instagram Story Views
sort (optional) Sorting services by:
page (optional) Set page number for listing. See pagination in response for details.

Example response:

     "data": [
            "service": 12,
            "name": "Likes TEST",
            "type": "default",
            "category": "Instagram Likes",
            "rate": "0.10000000",
            "min": 10,
            "max": 30,
            "uptime": 0,
            "drops": null,
            "speed_per_hour": null,
            "max_done_count_day": null,
            "limit": 1,
            "refill": true,
                   "percent": 12,
                   "days": 2,
                   "auto": 1,
                   "limit": 10,
                   "minutes": 15
                   "rate": 1,
                   "time": 1694440340
            "service": 123,
            "name": "Likes",
            "type": "default",
            "category": "Instagram Likes",
            "rate": "1.00000000",
            "min": 1,
            "max": 2,
            "uptime": 0,
            "drops": null,
            "speed_per_hour": null,
            "max_done_count_day": null
            "limit": 10,
            "refill": false,
            "limit_per": null,
            "rate_up": null,
    "pagination": {
        "total": 2,
        "perPage": 50,
        "pages": 1,
        "currentPage": 1
Service info


Parameters Description
key Your API token
action services
id Service ID

Example response:

    "service": 123,
    "name": "Followers",
    "type": "default",
    "category": "Instagram Followers",
    "rate": "3.60",
    "min": 100,
    "max": 6000,
    "uptime": 99,
    "drops": 37,
    "qty_in_queue": 0,
    "queue_time_minutes": 0,
    "speed_per_hour": 98,
    "max_done_count_day": 3000,
    "limit": 1,
    "refill": false
         "percent": 12,
         "days": 2,
         "auto": 1,
         "limit": 10,
         "minutes": 15
         "rate": 1,
         "time": 1694440340
Add order


Parameters Description
key Your API token
action add
service Service ID
link Link to page
quantity Needed quantity
runs (optional) Runs to deliver
interval (optional) Interval in minutes
comments (optional) todo:
username (optional) Comment owner username

Example response:

    "order": 23501
Order status


Parameters Description
key Your API token
action status
order Order ID

Example response:

    "charge": "0.27819",
    "start_count": "3572",
    "status": "Partial",
    "remains": "157",
    "currency": "USD",
    "canceled_reason": "The account is private"
Multiple orders status


Parameters Description
key Your API token
action status
orders Order IDs separated by comma

Example response:

    "1": {
        "charge": "0.27819",
        "start_count": "3572",
        "status": "Partial",
        "remains": "157",
        "currency": "USD"
    "10": {
        "error": "Incorrect order ID"
    "100": {
        "charge": "1.44219",
        "start_count": "234",
        "status": "In progress",
        "remains": "10",
        "currency": "USD"
Cancel order


Parameters Description
key Your API token
action cancel
order Order ID

Example response:

	"success": true
Cancel multiple orders


Parameters Description
key Your API token
action cancel
orders Order IDs separated by comma

Example response:

	"success": true
User balance


Parameters Description
key Your API token
action balance

Example response:

    "balance": 100.84292
Order refill


Parameters Description
key Your API token
action refill
order Order ID

Example response:

    "success": true
Statistics API

Data will be provided according your profile time zone.

API token {TOKEN}
Response format JSON
Actions volume info by days

GET https://busel.biz/api/statistics/actions/volume/bydays

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token
service_id Service ID
from Date (format: "yyyy-mm-dd")
to Date (format: "yyyy-mm-dd")
label_id (optional) Label ID

Example response:

  "items": {
    "2020-12-01": {
      "done": 4755173,
      "requests": 4659494,
      "orders_volume": 4628226
    "2020-12-02": {
      "done": 4904661,
      "requests": 4707815,
      "orders_volume": 4301160
    "2020-12-03": {
      "done": 5514503,
      "requests": 5322870,
      "orders_volume": 4896805
  "total": {
    "done": 15174337,
    "requests": 14690179,
    "orders_volume": 13826191
Actions volume info by hours

GET https://busel.biz/api/statistics/actions/volume/byhours

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token
service_id Service ID
from Date (format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh")
to Date (format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh")
label_id (optional) Label ID

Example response:

  "items": {
    "2020-12-01 00": {
      "done": 179161,
      "requests": 185425,
      "orders_volume": 189102
    "2020-12-01 01": {
      "done": 237709,
      "requests": 220084,
      "orders_volume": 149677
    "2020-12-01 02": {
      "done": 254468,
      "requests": 189229,
      "orders_volume": 146679
  "total": {
    "done": 671338,
    "requests": 594738,
    "orders_volume": 485458
Orders quantity info by days

GET https://busel.biz/api/statistics/orders/qty/bydays

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token
service_id Service ID
from Start date (format: "yyyy-mm-dd")
to End date (format: "yyyy-mm-dd")
label_id (optional) Label ID

Example response:

  "items": {
    "2020-12-08": {
      "Pending": {
        "qty": 0,
        "volume": 0
      "Processing": {
        "qty": 0,
        "volume": 0
      "In progress": {
        "qty": 0,
        "volume": 0
      "Partial": {
        "qty": 0,
        "volume": 0
      "Completed": {
        "qty": 19577,
        "volume": 6294452
      "Canceled": {
        "qty": 218,
        "volume": 279710
    "2020-12-09": {
      "Pending": {
        "qty": 376,
        "volume": 57161
      "Processing": {
        "qty": 0,
        "volume": 0
      "In progress": {
        "qty": 33,
        "volume": 9145
      "Partial": {
        "qty": 0,
        "volume": 0
      "Completed": {
        "qty": 12107,
        "volume": 3379449
      "Canceled": {
        "qty": 123,
        "volume": 133460
  "total": {
    "Pending": {
      "qty": 376,
      "volume": 57161
    "Processing": {
      "qty": 0,
      "volume": 0
    "In progress": {
      "qty": 33,
      "volume": 9145
    "Partial": {
      "qty": 0,
      "volume": 0
    "Completed": {
      "qty": 31684,
      "volume": 9673901
    "Canceled": {
      "qty": 341,
      "volume": 413170
Orders quantity info by hours

GET https://busel.biz/api/statistics/orders/qty/byhours

Parameters Description
api_token Your API token
service_id Service ID
from Start date (format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh")
to End date (format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh")
label_id (optional) Label ID

Example response:

  "items": {
    "2020-12-01 05": {
      "Pending": {
        "qty": 0,
        "volume": 0
      "Processing": {
        "qty": 0,
        "volume": 0
      "In progress": {
        "qty": 0,
        "volume": 0
      "Partial": {
        "qty": 0,
        "volume": 0
      "Completed": {
        "qty": 699,
        "volume": 162799
      "Canceled": {
        "qty": 2,
        "volume": 425
    "2020-12-01 06": {
      "Pending": {
        "qty": 0,
        "volume": 0
      "Processing": {
        "qty": 0,
        "volume": 0
      "In progress": {
        "qty": 0,
        "volume": 0
      "Partial": {
        "qty": 2,
        "volume": 11000
      "Completed": {
        "qty": 655,
        "volume": 147745
      "Canceled": {
        "qty": 0,
        "volume": 0
  "total": {
    "Pending": {
      "qty": 0,
      "volume": 0
    "Processing": {
      "qty": 0,
      "volume": 0
    "In progress": {
      "qty": 0,
      "volume": 0
    "Partial": {
      "qty": 2,
      "volume": 11000
    "Completed": {
      "qty": 1354,
      "volume": 310544
    "Canceled": {
      "qty": 2,
      "volume": 425